
Ever wonder why some people always seem to have their life together$%: You know the ones I'm speaking of. They have a well groomed lawn. Their house is always immaculate. They drive a nice car. They have a loving family. And if you aren't careful all that sugar and sweetness can give you a cavity! Or maybe it will inspire you to emulate their success.

In order to have success in every area of your life, you must make a decision to let go of fear and embrace focus. Now I realize some will say yeah Britt you're a millionaire already and you can simply throw money at anything that comes up and make it all well and good again. Yeah that sounds great in theory but it's not at all practical. Being wealthy doesn't instantly fix all your problems in life.

So before I tell you how to truly become successful, first allow me to help you define the word so you have a better understanding of what it actually is. If you have a million dollars in the bank and yet your relationships with your family and friends are horrible and lacking love, energy, and substance, do you honestly think you are successful$%: No matter what you may think, the answer is NO! All you are in the example is a very unhappy person who also happens to have a million dollars. Success is measured by most clueless people's stereotypical definition purely by a monetary sum. This backwards thinking clearly demonstrates how far away from real true success subscribers of this incorrect thought process really are. Success is not one dimensional. Success is a process of personal evolution. How one evolves by the decisions they make for themselves and those around them always becomes the determining factor in life. And it is not the balance of your bank account.

The reason some people tend to get things done and have everything in life from a great quality of life and amazing wealth, is actually quite simple. And no it is not because they won the lottery or someone handed them a fortune. They are where they are because they themselves came to the realization they had to let go of fear and embrace their ability to focus. And make no mistake about it. Just like them, you get exactly what you focus on. If you focus on negative thoughts they will consume you and prevent you from ever having anything near what you could have and deserve from life. If on the other hand you focus on positive and release all negative thoughts and people from the equation, there is no room left for the negativity to cause failure.

Focus is so powerful and yet so very simple at the same time. How many times have you put off a task simply because you dreaded it. And how many times have you sat and said to yourself and others how much you dread doing one thing or another$%: And how many times once you finally realized you had to get the task done did you realize afterwards how much wasted energy you expended on procrastinating instead of jumping in and getting it done$%:

So the bottom line here is you must focus on what you want. If you want a better relationship with your spouse focus on it. If you want a better relationship with your kids or friends focus on it. If you want a better bond with your animals focus on building it. And if you want to become a millionaire focus on it and it will happen. I became a self-made millionaire because I made an amazing discovery. I discovered that instead of allowing excuses and fear to control and limit my life, I replaced them with an ability to focus. And today to earn $50,000. in a week is not at all surprising. When you make the discovery to focus in your life you will be amazed as well at your rewards.

    創作者 ogktony5 的頭像


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